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Posted on 22nd Mar, 2016 in Anime In New York

This post is part of the in the Anime in New York photo series. The series aims to find New York City locations depicted in anime and see how real life and anime differ.

Location: Times Square - 42nd Street (Uptown NQRW Subway Platform)
Accuracy: Mostly - The real station is a little more rundown in real life. Also the mosaic tile borders have "42" as their centerpieces instead of a diamond pattern.

Times Square is one of the most crowded stations in the subway system. For tight spaces like this one, a cellphone may be the best camera to use. This shot can be taken by standing 2 wide steps to the right of the newsstand.

Editor's Note: This post has been recreated from the notes taken for the original. If you'd like to know more about the bad hosting that led to this, you can read about my experience with catastrophic data loss.


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